


What can I expect if we work together?

Friends, coworkers and clients have described me as equal parts Jillian Michaels, Hermione Granger, and Elle Woods. (Yes, I actually asked them.)

No matter what we are working on together, know this:

There are times I may push you - to do more than you think you can do, or to work hard even when you aren’t in the mood - but my programming is deep, thoughtful, safe, and always collaborative. I encourage communication in between our sessions so that we never miss a response or reaction that gives us insight. I am attentive to detail and am always receiving and processing feedback from your words and your body to allow us to optimize the way we spend our time together. My goal above all else is that you gain true wellness from our work, and improve not just your fitness, but multiple areas of your life as a result. (Because exercise gives you endorphins. And endorphins make you happy. And we all know what happy people don’t do.)

Why are you “The Notorious ATC”?

I was born and raised in Brooklyn. My business name is a nod to my absolute favorite rap artist, The Notorious B.I.G. “ATC” was the first professional credential I earned at the start of my career, it stands for “Athletic Trainer, Certified.”

What exactly is an Athletic Trainer?

Athletic Trainers are highly qualified, multi-skilled Allied Health Professionals who work in the field of Sports Medicine. They hold both national certification and state licensure, and at the minimum a Bachelor’s degree from a board-accredited program. Athletic trainers are accustomed to working as part of a multi-disciplinary health team and specialize in injury management, recovery, and prevention in the athletic population.

I began my career as an Athletic Trainer, and while I have acquired many additional skills throughout my years in the field, I believe in applying an athletic training lens to all of my clients. This means working with a full body approach, keen attention to detail, and seeking out the root cause of an injury or weakness to inform our programming and treatment. It is incredible what we can learn and accomplish when we listen to your body together!

Coming from an Athletic Training perspective also means that I treat any activity you personally would like to get back to or get better at with the same level of importance as I would an athlete’s need to get back on the field or the court. Wearing heels at your wedding? Crawling around on the floor with your grandchild? Being able to use a heavy cast-iron skillet in your kitchen? Playing in a recreational sports league for the first time since college? I’ve got you.

How are you different from a regular Personal Trainer? How are you different from a Physical Therapist?

As an Athletic Trainer, these are the questions I get asked most often!

What sets me apart from many Personal Trainers is that the profession of Athletic Training is heavily steeped in rehabilitation skills. We work with sports and orthopedic injuries (acute, chronic, and post-surgical) from the time of injury through return to sport. If you have a previous injury that you feel is hampering your performance in some way, an Athletic Trainer is an ideal person to work with. We can be especially helpful in bridging the gap between Physical Therapy and full return to the sports and activities that you love, or in addressing old injuries that never really got back to 100%.

There are several things that set Athletic Trainers apart from Physical Therapists. Physical Therapists are highly skilled in many areas of rehabilitation, which includes orthopedic injuries, but also includes cardiac, geriatric, pediatric, and neurological rehabilitation, whereas the education of Athletic Trainers focuses solely on sports and orthopedic rehab. I also would be remiss if I didn’t mention that the entry level degree for those in the profession of Physical Therapy is a doctorate, whereas Athletic Trainers can sit for their board exams after completing their bachelors degree. (The Athletic Training profession is in the process of transition to entry level being a masters degree, which is what I hold, beginning with the class of 2022).

How do I book my first session?

If you’re interested in working together, we start with a 15-20 minute consultation call. This call is free of charge, and the intention is to ensure that it is a good fit for both of us. I want to make sure that I can help you achieve your goals, overcome the obstacles you feel are in your way, and deliver the value that you are looking for. This call is also a great time to determine if there are any steps we should take before working together, which might include getting clearance from your doctor to perform strength and conditioning activities if you are recovering from an injury or illness. I am happy to communicate with your doctor or any other health, wellness, and fitness professionals that you are currently working with, in order to ensure that your program is well-rounded and that everyone involved is working as a team rather than in silos.

Based on this call, we can book your first session, and I will send you all the paperwork you need in advance, so that we can get right to work when we see each other!

If we decide that we are not a good fit at the moment, I am happy to refer you to a colleague in the field who I feel could help you the most. I maintain close relationships with those in many other professions, including doctors, personal trainers, physical therapists, dietitians, pilates masters, yoga teachers, acupuncturists, and massage therapists. I will only refer you to someone that I know is deeply knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate, and who I would trust with my own health.

What changes have you made due to COVID-19?

Any equipment I bring to our sessions is always sanitized in keeping with COVID-19 standards before and after each session. I am offering sessions outdoors in local parks as long as the area is safe, both in terms of the field/turf conditions and social distancing. I am also offering sessions within the privacy of your home. If a gym is one of the amenities in your building, we can do sessions there as well, in accordance with your building’s policies and NYC guidelines.

Are you offering virtual sessions?

Yes, I offer virtual breathwork and meditation sessions as well as virtual strength & conditioning sessions.

Tell me about the mural!

The “Deconstructed Biggie” mural was created by Ruben Ubiera (find him on Instagram @urbanruben) and is part of The Bushwick Collective in Bushwick, Brooklyn.

I still have a question!

Have a question that I haven’t answered yet? Just reach out and let me know!