media features


protecting your flame: burnout and compassion fatigue, episode 51 of The catalyzing podcast

In this episode, I join fellow Athletic Trainer and owner of cATalyzing Coaching & Consulting Ryan Stevens to have a conversation centered around professional burnout and compassion fatigue.

filling your cup with the good stuff: addressing burnout and overwhelm in the helping professions with erica marcano, episode 36 of Coach’s Chat

On this episode, I join colleague Betsy Foster to chat about burnout and overwhelm in athletic training, strength & conditioning, and personal training, with actionable tools for reflection and action to find joy in these helping professions.

Beating Burnout: Erica Marcano, The Notorious ATC, On The 5 Things You Should Do If You Are Experiencing Work Burnout

In this Authority Magazine interview with Jake Frankel, I discuss the incidence of burnout and compassion fatigue across the healthcare and helping professions, my own personal experience with burnout, and some nontraditional tactics and strategies to help prevent and move through burnout in the workplace.

“The Complete Guide to Your Core Muscles and How to Strengthen Them”

In this Shape magazine feature, I give my take along with other fitness professionals on why your core muscles are important, and how to best implement core strength programming in every workout.

What are core muscles, exactly? For one, your core is so much more than just your "abs." Keep reading for a comprehensive breakdown of this crucial muscle group and how to build core strength.

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tonal blog

In this blog post breaking down a recent study that suggests you really can prevent weight gain through strength training, I give my perspective on why resistance training can be the best strategy for both weight management AND injury prevention.


“I stay focused by staying fluid” with Erica Marcano 

In this interview with FemFounder, I share the vision for The Notorious ATC, my reasons for starting my own business, and my best practices for staying focused on my business while maintaining work-life balance.

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“working through burnout,” episode 54 of the at corner podcast

In this episode, I chat with hosts Sandy and Randy about burnout among ATs, how it can manifest in the AT, how to be an advocate for you and your colleagues’ well being, and the tools to improve your self-care.


“Pivoting your career,” An AT Corner Podcast bonus

On this short bonus episode of The AT Corner Podcast, we chat about making the decision to stay, leave, or pivot within the career of athletic training, and what it means to us and our colleagues on a personal and a professional level.


“Eat. Sleep. Move. Repeat”, Erica Marcano and Parveen Panwar, Mr. Activated

Mr. Activated, Parveen Panwar, was kind enough to interview me for a feature in Thrive Global, where he got my take on how ANYONE can build habits for optimal wellness, performance, & focus. What a great topic to discuss at the start of this new year! This article was also featured in Authority Magazine. Mr. Activated’s favorite line was, ““Guilt and shame are never ideal emotions to work with when trying to develop healthy new habits.” What will yours be?


Women In Wellness: Erica Marcano, The Notorious ATC, on the Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

I was honored to be featured in Authority Magazine’s Women in Wellness Interview Series, where Candice Georgiadis was kind enough to chat with me about ways to make wellness a lifestyle, how I hope my work changes the world, and the Mean Girls quote that has become my goal-setting mantra! This article was also featured in Thrive Global.

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How to Start a Business During the Pandemic: 12 Firsthand Stories

I was excited to be one of the small business owners who was given the opportunity to tell my story (and share a special tip for future entrepreneurs) in this blog post. Check out Mighty Call: The Voice of Small Businesses to read the full article.



On this episode of The Strength Coach Experience, hosted by Coach Joe Lego, I chat about how putting my athletic training perspective on strength programming truly allows me to give my clients “exercise prescription",” how “holistic fitness” means empowering people to find their inner strength as well as their physical strength, and how we as fitness professionals can show ourselves the same level of care and commitment as we show our athletes.


iON “Poise & Performance” Blog

I am proud to be a guest contributor to iON’s Poise and Performance….a blog for athletes.